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To learn more about the services we provide, see below. We currently offer services in 14 of the 16 counties in Maine.
Community Supports

Opportunity Enterprises offers a wide range of individualized community supports for adults with developmental disabilities. We provide anywhere from one to several hours of support during the hours and days that fill the need.


Supports include assisting with learning about the resources and opportunities in the individual’s community, accessing those places, and truly becoming a part of their community. Individuals can have 1:1 staffing if it is needed or work in small groups (2-3 people) with similar interests.

Home Supports

Opportunity Enterprises also offers a wide range of home supports for adults with developmental disabilities. We provide anywhere from one to several hours of support in the current living situation or can assist with finding an apartment or home in the community with around-the-clock staffing.


Supports include assisting with cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, health care (appointments, medication administration, and monitoring), accessing community resources, budgeting, shopping, and a host of others. Staff work towards the maximum level of independence possible for the individual.

Shared Living

Shared living programs are also available here at Opportunity Enterprises. This option provides an opportunity for persons with developmental disabilities to live in a home with a family or individual. The purpose of shared living is to provide a family-style environment that enables the person to learn and develop skills needed to live as independently as possible.


Note: the individual and their family (the "providers") must apply and be screened in order to be eligible to provide the services. Providers receive regular supervision, support, and free training. The agency oversees the provider to insure quality and on-going care.


If you are interested in learning more about shared living as a provider or individual receiving services, click on "contact us" to request a call or to set up an informational meeting.

Adult Case Management

Opportunity Enterprises offers case management services to adults  with developmental disabilities. Case managers support their consumers by coordinating services (home supports, community supports, work supports etc.), linking them to resources (vocational rehabilitation, benefits specialists), advocating for needs, supporting with receiving benefits, monitoring for health and safety, developing relationships, providing information, referrals and representative payee services. For more information click here or contact the office at 207-376-4911. 


Employment Services

Career Planning:


Opportunity Enterprises offers pre-employment Career Planning for those who qualify and are referred under Section 21 and 29 waiver Services. Career Planning assists with identifying a career direction and developing a plan for achieving competitive, integrated, individual employment or self-employment. Griffin-Hammis Discovering Personal Genius™ Services assist in identifying skills, priorities, and capabilities determined through an individualized discovery process. In the career planning process we will work to gather information about the individual rather than the actual job itself to determine the best job match before job search activities begin. It is a process in which the career planner will have conversations, listening and learning, and focusing on individual strengths. Career planning is a team approach to gathering information to help best determine career options consistent with the individual’s skills and interests.



Post-placement Work Support Services:


Opportunity Enterprises offers long-term work support services for individuals receiving funding under Section 21 and 29 waiver Services. This service is provided to individuals needing additional on-site or off-site supports following job placement.


We provide support in the least intrusive manner based on individual needs with a focus on helping to facilitate natural supports both on and off the job site. Examples of supports offered:


- On-site training assistance, teaching and modeling tasks

- Job analysis and task review to determine best interventions & types of supports needed on the job site

- Employer and co-worker consultation for facilitating natural supports on the job

- Assistance with task modification and accommodations if needed

- Individualized review of job hours/schedule and assistance with goals for advancement

- Off-site support to help analyze, strategize and troubleshoot work place stressors


We work to promote the highest level possible of independence in the work place while providing support to ensure the success of each individual.

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